Laser Tattoo Removal FAQ

Laser Tattoo Removal FAQ

Got questions about the laser tattoo removal process?

Our FAQ should help! If you still don’t find the answers you’re looking for feel free to call. We’re here to help!

How many treatments will I need?

This is the hardest question to answer that we get. When we perform a pretreatment consultation we evaluate your skin type according to the Fitzpatrick Scale. Use the chart below to determine where your skin type fits on that scale.


  • I – Always burns, never tans
  • II – Always burns, sometimes tans
  • III – Sometimes burns, always tans
  • IV -Rarely burns, always tans
  • V – Brown, moderately pigmented skin
  • VI – Black skin

Next, we align your information to the Kerby-Desai Scale, which is the industry standard. Try it by clicking on the link and entering the information relevant to your tattoo. The Kerby-Desai Scale is the most widely used evaluation tool in the industry, however, we have some issues with it. For example, it doesn’t take into account the age of your ink (the older the quicker it will go away), who performed the tattoo (non-professional treatments remove more quickly). Most importantly, it doesn’t evaluate your metabolic activity level. Experience has shown us that clients with high metabolisms move ink faster. With these things in mind, we try to give you the best estimate we can, but there are factors beyond our control that can affect that estimate.

How much will it cost?

The most frequent question we receive. For a general idea please visit the “Pricing & Discounts” page of our website. We don’t have set pricing. We approach everyone’s removal needs uniquely because we know that everyone is unique. We ALWAYS encourage potential clients to message us a picture of the ink/tattoo you want to be removed to our company phone number at 720-552-2411. This gives us the opportunity to really examine your ink and give you an accurate quote for each treatment. We give a $30 discount for any first treatment that costs $80 or more. We provide each fourth treatment FREE. We give 15% discounts to U.S. military (both active and veterans), firemen/firewomen and police officers. We offer multi-treatment discounts. Most importantly we work with you and your budget!

Is it painful?

We won’t lie to you: there is some discomfort associated with laser tattoo removal. It simply can’t be helped. We have developed many techniques to minimize whatever discomfort you might experience:

  • We use a medical chiller before, during and after your treatment. This chills your treatment area and minimizes the treatment sensation.
  • We use optimal power settings to move your ink without moving your skin! This is perhaps the most misunderstood area of the entire treatment process. Too much power causes pain! It can also cause scarring. So the laser power settings need to be optimized for EVERY treatment. We take the time to analyze your ink, how many previous treatments you’ve received and any history indicating post-treatment sensitivity. We always take a test shot prior to commencing any treatment to ensure we have obtained the correct power settings.
  • We also use a clever distraction technique: We give our clients two tubes filled with ice to hold. This helps distract your brain away from the treatment and towards the fact that you’re holding something cold! It’s very effective.
  • Finally, if you are amongst the few ultra-sensitive to laser treatments we can apply a 7% Lidocaine/Actacaine topical to minimize whatever discomfort our other techniques won’t alleviate.
Does Colorado Laser Treatments publish my treatment pictures?

The simple answer- NO. We do not publish our clients’ treatment progress anywhere.

Your privacy is important to us and we won’t post your before and after records on our web site and we won’t send them out in promotional emails. In fact, we don’t send promotional emails. Many other laser tattoo treatment providers do both of these things and we disagree with the practice for various reasons. First of all, the pictures we take are part of YOUR records and only you should decide what is done with them. Secondly, there’s a possibility that client pictures that are posted on a website can be stolen and used on someone else’s website. Colorado Laser Treatments respects your privacy.

What do I do after treatment?

The most important thing is avoiding the sun and tanning bed exposure. Ultraviolet light exposure immediately after treatment can cause blistering and scarring. This sensitivity decreases after 2-3 weeks and sensible sun exposure can be tolerated. The use of a high SPF, zinc based sunblock is mandatory and should be applied every 2 hours.

Public waters can also cause issues. Hot tubs and steam rooms can contain high amounts of harmful bacteria and they should be avoided. Swimming pools are more benign and if you’re a regular swimmer you can continue as long as you follow a common sense approach. Clean the treatment area before and after swimming with isopropyl alcohol. After swimming use Neosporin or Aquaphor on the treated area.

Keep the treated area clean and (preferably) dry. If desired you can apply lotions 1-2 weeks post-treatment. DO NOT scratch the treated area! If itching occurs apply Neosporin or Aquaphor. If itching persists, dab the area with isopropyl alcohol and Gold Bond Medicated cream.

Colorado Laser Treatments provides our clients with a list of post-treatment recommendations.

How long do I have to wait between treatments?

Treatment frequency varies. Small and medium tattoos can be treated after six weeks. Large tattoos should wait 8 weeks between treatments.

Does laser tattoo removal cause scarring?

The simple answer is no. If you select a well-qualified treatment provider they will carefully monitor your treatments and ensure you are not exposed to excessive laser power- the source of scarring. Your tattoo application may have caused scars. If you find your scars objectionable we can greatly reduce them by treating the areas with a fractionally ablative carbon dioxide laser after your ink is removed.

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